Effectively Lower Air Pollution with an Air Filtration System in Centennial

Modern homes and commercial properties are constructed with firm seals between indoor and outdoor air. While this is great for reducing HVAC losses, there are unintended repercussions. Lacking access to fresh outdoor air, your indoor air can become stuffed with microscopic contaminants on top of common debris including dust and hair. Higher concentrations of airborne particles may intensify respiratory problems and also make you sick! For genuinely clean, healthy indoor air, these pollutants should be removed as much as possible.

Do You Need Dedicated Air Filtration?

EPA studies have found that pollutant rates indoors tend to be up to five times greater than outside, making an effective air filtration system an important tool when attempting to lower contamination levels. HomeSmart offers top-of-the-line filtration technology ideal for attracting and capturing particulates including:

  • Dust, hair and soot
  • Pet dander
  • Allergens like pollen
  • Mold and mildew spores
  • Viruses and bacteria
  • Smoke and odor particles
  • Volatile Organic Compounds such as synthetic cleaners

Local industries and potential health concerns affect which pollutants you’d benefit most from filtering out of your indoor air. For example, someone with severe allergies should make reducing pollen or animal dander the primary goal. Our indoor air quality services in [siteinfo field=”msa”] are intended to help you identify what particulate matter you’re taking on.

HEPA Filters

Many air filtration systems incorporate what’s known as a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. Remember that multiple filters are manufactured similarly and advertised as “HEPA-type” filters even though they don’t offer the same level of efficiency. You should seek out “True” or “Absolute” HEPA filters certified by air quality agencies.

With a thick network of extremely small fibers, HEPA filters trap airborne particles when they float by. Some designs might incorporate additional layers of filtration to prevent the central fiber layer from becoming clogged with larger particles like hair and lint. One type, also known as an activated carbon filter, features highly absorbent carbon pores to trap particles.

One trade-off with HEPA filters is that the compact fibers can restrict airflow, which can force your HVAC system to run longer to maintain your desired temperatures. We can offer tailored advice on whether you’ll benefit from HEPA-level filtration.

Contact Us Now Or Call 866-837-9762

Benefits of Air Filtration System Installation in Centennial

HomeSmart has a knowledgeable team of air filtration system installers in Centennial. With their help, you can quickly secure more effective air filtration for your home or commercial property. Almost immediately, you should have the chance to enjoy some or all of the following benefits:


Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

Air filtration systems help remove airborne contaminants like dust, pet dander and pollen from your indoor air. As one of the most likely reasons for lower air quality, removing particulates and microorganisms is a cental component of any IAQ strategy.

Extended HVAC System Life Span

Airborne contaminants clog the air filters within HVAC systems, slowly forcing equipment to work longer and decreasing its efficiency. An air filtration system can even prolong the life of an HVAC system by decreasing the frequency of air filter replacements or maintenance needs like cleaning.



More Affordable Energy Bills

A clogged, dirty HVAC system uses more electricity, racking up your energy costs. By keeping your HVAC system clean, you save money on all the monthly bills. If you’re struggling to clean hard-to-reach spots like the air ducts, HomeSmart offers comprehensive duct cleaning in Centennial.

Decreased Risk of Illness

A dedicated air filtration system can help eliminate sickness-causing pollutants like mold, mildew, viruses and bacteria. Combining air filtration with different IAQ products like a UV germicidal lamp is a superb choice for taking care of these microorganisms and help with limiting the risk of infection.


Clearly, an air filtration system is a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to help prevent airborne contamination from negatively impacting their health or HVAC system.

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Schedule A Free Quote for Air Filtration System Installation

Ready to keep your indoor air supply more refreshed and with less pollution? Get in touch with the air quality experts at HomeSmart. You can schedule a free quote for a new air filtration system by giving us a call at 866-837-9762 today.

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